About Me

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Welcome! I am an Environmental Educator with the Peace Corps, currently serving in Nicaragua from August 2010 until November 2012. I am only 24 years old and am originally from Naples, Florida. Thanks for reading! Please note: All views and opinions expressed here are my own and are in no way the views or opinions of the US Government or Peace Corps.

Monday, August 22, 2011

So Much To Tell You All!!

As usual sorry for taking so long to update!!! I'm just going to get it all out there because I don't even know where to begin...

First off, had my first visitors!! Thanks Mom and Aunt Jeanne for making the trip down! We had an incredible time (at least I think so haha) hanging out in my house and traveling around in a Rent-a-Car (whoa big time). I'm sure they were a little overwhelmed at first by the attack of Spanish speakers and lack of indoor plumbing, but in the end I had them pumping out cakes and rice crispy treats and going to parties...Mom even learned how to dance! I'll get Aunt Jeanne the next time...Hopefully the went home with glowing reports of Nicaragua so that everyone else will now come and visit...hint hint...

Unfortunately, one of our excursions leads me to the second most eventful thing that has happened to me since we last talked...blew out my eardrum! Ouch is an understatement...I think this was a result of a bat cave tour that I went on with Mom and Aunt Jeanne, where there was definitely some unsanitary water dripping from the ceiling of the cave, but really could have been from any water that got into my ear...The doc told me the bacteria/infection got so strong it just went and blew out my eardrum...simple as that...yea right...month and a half later and here I am in Managua still going to ENT docs getting new meds because this dang bacteria just won't go away...luckily my eardrum has healed and I have full hearing once again (was deaf there for awhile in my left ear which made speaking Spanish all the more exciting)...so I shall keep everyone posted, but for now just hoping this next dose of antibiotics does the trick...

Gardens are mostly up and running...officially planted two types of squash, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, and green beans in the largest of my three schools (finally, phew)....I am about to replant all of the squash in my smaller rural school, Trianon, as they have given all the fruit they shall give and are ready to be replanted, as well as tomatoes, peppers and plantains....and still need to get my final garden in my third rural school going...struggle.

My personal garden is looking awesome (no thanks to me; rain, Aunt Jeanne and my mother are behind it really). I've got tomatoes flowering, spinach with leaves the size of my head (no joke) which has taken over my laundry line (spinach is a climber in Nicaragua, who knew), sunflowers about waist high at this point, and plantain about shoulder high...I hope that rainy season never goes away as daily watering of plants was truly the vane of my existence...

Volleyball is also going...we are waiting for the finals to happen...there is a current turf war as the ref wants the hold the final tournament on his court in his neighborhood and the playing teams want to hold the tourney on the court where we have been currently playing...it should be held where we have been playing and where there will be no problems, but because someone decided to steal one of the metal poles that holds up the net we have this current dilemma. However, no one is willing to move to the proposed court as the gang-ish boys/men who hang out there will inevitably cause problems with the gente from another neighborhood...ridiculous. We'll see what happens.

Soo some cRaZy things that I just can't get out of my head:
1. My one year anniversary of being in this country is coming up any day now!!!! I flew into Washington DC on August 31st and landed in Nicaragua on September 1st...HOLY CRAP! Getting close and the festivities are being planned...looking forward to it and can't quite believe it...this time last year I was packing!
2. It's almost Christmas time again! I mean not really almost...but kind of almost...woohoo!
3. Puchona, but dog, is pregnant! I'm not really that excited because that means there will be tons of little puppies running around and they are going to make a mess, but it's still exciting kind of...
4. I hope everyone celebrated Peace Corps' 50th Anniversary...Congrats PC
5. Election time is coming up...Who's everyone voting for? What are the options? I'm so out of the loop...someone fill me in...

Ok that's all I can think of...love you all!! Start planning trips! I've only got a year left! You're time is running out people! xox

1 comment:

  1. Kate! That sounds SO painful! Glad your ear has healed, but yikes just reading about it makes mine hurt. It's actually INSANE you're coming up on one year already...you'll have to have a big partay :)

    Miss youuuu (and IOU a message) <3

    ps it is so not almost christmas lol
