About Me

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Welcome! I am an Environmental Educator with the Peace Corps, currently serving in Nicaragua from August 2010 until November 2012. I am only 24 years old and am originally from Naples, Florida. Thanks for reading! Please note: All views and opinions expressed here are my own and are in no way the views or opinions of the US Government or Peace Corps.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Why the Heck Not...

Might as well throw in another update while I'm here in Managua and have the internet...Went to the ear doc today and have been officially been given the thumbs up...looks like my ear is getting better and I don't need to be making the tedious trip into the capitol city every few days anymore...Whoa good news!

This is definitely grounds for celebrating, which I will be doing tomorrow night after a reunion with a few other volunteers in Chinandega tomorrow at lunch time. We plan on doing some dancing, and perhaps even introducing Jello (cough shots cough) into Nica culture. This will be very tame and on the DL, however, as I am not known for drinking in site and plan to keep it that way. The Jello is more of a flashback to the college days really.

On that note, with my one year in site coming up, I have noticed that quite a few volunteers have started looking into their post-PC lives. What?! I have somewhat thought about what I would like to do or where I would like to live, but for the most part I still feel insanely accomplished for have gotten as far as I have up unto this point. The idea of begin the application process all over again and thinking about new  jobs is overwhelming...so point being, help me out! If you can think of an interesting job for me let me know!! Thanks!!

Ok don't have many other updates for now, but as usual, keep me updated on your lives! Love love love!

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