About Me

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Welcome! I am an Environmental Educator with the Peace Corps, currently serving in Nicaragua from August 2010 until November 2012. I am only 24 years old and am originally from Naples, Florida. Thanks for reading! Please note: All views and opinions expressed here are my own and are in no way the views or opinions of the US Government or Peace Corps.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Starting Over

**I'm trying something new where I write ahead of time on my computer and then just use a flashdrive to upload these at the cyber, so my updates are a bit old**

So I finally have a bit of a break in my schedule and therefore some time to think, write, and just do nothing. Since arriving in Nicaragua we have barely had any unscheduled time, due to spanish classes, training, moving, etc, so I am both looking forward to, and terrified of the upcoming months before school starts where I basically have nothing to do. My current goals are: start a garden in my host family’s house, start a small tree nursery (just to practice for when I have to do this in the schools), get a youth group up and running (for the sake of child labor in the garden and tree nursery) and possibly start teaching some english classes. Luckily, I think some of these things are starting to come together pretty quickly.
Last night, after having hung out a night or two on the street corners near my house (in a non-prostitute sense), I was able to have my first official meeting with my youth group. So far they seem like a really eager, awesome group. The ages range from about 12 - 21 years old and they are almost evenly split between girls and boys (which is unusual). They are not only really excited to make bracelets from recycled materials (let’s be honest this is the only recycled thing I currently know how to teach them), but they actually want to help in the garden. I somewhat thought I would have to bribe them into helping, using the I’ll teach you bracelet making if you work in my garden method, but apparently teenagers like gardening here....so, I’m all set! They even split themselves into two groups! Twelve are going to arrive 8:00am saturday morning to clear the ground and get started and the rest are coming monday at 8:00am to finish...try getting kids in the states to voluntarily garden at 8:00am on their first saturday of summer vacation...no way! So far my biggest concern is figuring out a way to keep the chickens out of the garden, as there are a ton in my backyard. I may just have to eat them all.
So wish me luck!! Update soon.

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