About Me

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Welcome! I am an Environmental Educator with the Peace Corps, currently serving in Nicaragua from August 2010 until November 2012. I am only 24 years old and am originally from Naples, Florida. Thanks for reading! Please note: All views and opinions expressed here are my own and are in no way the views or opinions of the US Government or Peace Corps.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Hi everyone! I was about to apologize for how long it’s been since my last post, but I really should stop apologizing since that probably leads to some false hope that my next post will be more timely...So for some updates...
I am currently sitting in air conditioning in the United States!!! What?! I know! I am home for Easter Break...Actually, I am about to head back to Nicaragua in 3 days, as I am at the tail end of my lovely two week stay in Florida. It has been incredible visiting with family and friends, eating as much cereal as I can get my hands on, and basically just laying around. I told myself I would go to the beach everyday, but when it came down to it, staying inside in the air conditioning and watching American television has really been more appealing. What can I say, I am a bum (and OK with it). 
Aside from being ready to see my parents and eat some good food, my vacation did come at a very lucky point in my service. Apart from my jam-making day which ended with a bacterial infection, I have been very healthy in Nicaragua, so far. No dengue fever, malaria, dog bites, etc (knock on wood). So, it seemed about right that in March, with the stress of finally finding and moving into my own house, starting to really get down to business with my schools, and really feeling the pressure from the Peace Corps all accumlating, I started getting sick...but, not just any sick, Mono sick. After spending days at a time going to and from the doctors’ offices in Mangua (the capitol) and getting so much blood drawn from my arms they were bruised and akin to those of a heroine addict, I was finally diagnosed with Mono just as they sent me home to the States. By this point, I was probably about 5 or 6 weeks in and starting to feel better. Unfortunately, most of the month of March was spent either in Managua, laying sick in bed, or just feeling so weak I can’t imagine I was much help to anyone. At a training session right before the Easter week, I was reunited with my training group, which is always a spirit booster. Finally feeling better, I loved the opportunity to see everyone and discuss Easter plans, but it was also a harsh reminder of how much progress everyone had made in just the one month that I had been sick. I had definitely not planned on missing practically a month of work PLUS two weeks of vacation....even if I was on doctor’s orders...guess I will just have to kick it into full gear when I get back. 
On the bright side (sorry for the gloomy post), there is an overwhelming amount of support in my community. In fact, when all I wanted to do was lay in bed, not eat anything, and not see anyone, I got more visitors, phone calls, and meals than I could handle...a little LESS attention would have been nice...but I am not complaining for a second that there are people around me who love and care for me...thank goodness ‘cause I don’t think I could do it alone. My closest friends have even continued to call while I have been here in the States. These calls given me a frightening look at my parent’s future trip to Nicaragua and inevitable interactions with Spanish speakers...the conversations tend to go as such:
Mom: Hello!
Nica: Hola...giggle...Kah-tie??
Mom: Ughh...Hello? 
Nica: Giggle giggle Kah-tie Kahtie por favor
Mom: Ohhhh hahaha Katie? Katie?
Nica: Kah-tie?
Mom: Katie?
Me: Oh for crying out loud, Mom! If they don’t speak English it’s for me! Stop talking and give me the phone!
So, in the end I am sad to leave my nice comfy house and constant flow of snack foods, but I am excited to get back. I finally feel better and am truly ready to get going on my projects which got left behind when I became sick. Hopefully, next time I write I will be back in Nicaragua and all will be going smoothly! Keep your fingers crossed that the rain is starting when I get there and things are cooling down. Love you all! Thank you for reading!

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