About Me

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Welcome! I am an Environmental Educator with the Peace Corps, currently serving in Nicaragua from August 2010 until November 2012. I am only 24 years old and am originally from Naples, Florida. Thanks for reading! Please note: All views and opinions expressed here are my own and are in no way the views or opinions of the US Government or Peace Corps.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Going Pro

Heading to a Pro Nica baseball game today!! So excited...Essentially the World Series of Nica baseball and my department (state), Chinandega is in it...and good!! Pumped...we are playing the team from the capitol city, Managua. Baseball is serious here and they can definitely play, so this should be fun...going with a group of volunteers too, so get a slight break from Spanish...

Went to the river again yesterday...Don't know if I've mentioned this before in previous blogs...it is common here to build concrete "pools" into the center of the rivers, where water can flow in and be slightly cleaner than the water outside of the pool...it is a lot of fun and really beautiful...about 20 of us went so we took up the whole pool...when we got back we played volleyball in the park pretty late into the night, but unfortunately didn't have a net, so it wasn't anything too serious. Unfortunately, it is hard to get all of the equipment necessary here to really play...but, oh well. We had a tournament last weekend that was a lot of fun (I played with a boys team and a girls team because I'm the one that got the stupid boys team together so I wanted to play...). Hopefully we can make more tournaments happen, but that all depends on support from the mayor's office...vamos a ver.

Also, the house hunt is finally coming to a close...A family is moving to the United States and needs someone to "cuidar", care for, their house while they are gone. I happily volunteered, and hopefully in the next week or so they will be out of here and I will have my own house. They are super relaxed and leaving me basically everything (bed, fridge, couch, etc...). I only have to pay water and electric, as well, so that is a huge benefit.

Ok so that's a brief update before baseball! Everybody think winning thoughts for Chinandega!! Lots of love!

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